About me

Hi, there.  I'm Jen.

The one on the right.
    I like reading things and doing things and going places and making stuff.  I also like my family and friends and being a bossy big sister to everyone around me.

    I am married to this nice man:

    We are parents to Evelyn June, and she is the person we like the most.

    We live in an apartment in North Little Rock that's filled with books and craft projects and toys. We always want to make more coffee and walk to the library. We enjoy wearing glasses and laughing and eating the food that Cody makes and doing things with Evelyn while we watch her grow and change and befriend every animal she encounters.  There's also a lot of dance parties.

    I like to write on here about our friends and families, and whatever projects we have going on at the time.  

    I also post pictures of Evelyn on Our Adventures With Creature.

    We're generally happy folks and this is what we have going on right now.