Friday, August 17, 2018

Book list for July 2018

July was the month I got a sinus infection, both Cody and Evelyn had ear infections, I did a bunch of work, said goodbye to a dear friend who moved far away, was stressed, was sad, and started at least 6 new knitting projects and started a lot of new books. All hail pseudoephedrine and its power to keep me going when I don't feel good and to convince me that starting just one more project or checking out all those books will somehow fix everything.

 It was not a month for finishing much of anything outside of work projects. It all feels so long ago that I initially looked at my page of books read and typed out the books I read in August.

It was just that kind of month.

"I" is for Innocent. Sue Grafton.*

Dark Fields of the Republic: Poems 1991-1995. Adrienne Rich.*

Lumberjanes: Out of Time. Stevenson, Watters, Allen, Laiko. *

My zinnias started blooming, though.

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