The Mystery of the Third Mile. Colin Dexter.
I have no idea what happened. This guy is dead! No, he faked it! No, the body is still his! No, it's not! But I never fully understood how or why! I blame being deathly sick for my misunderstanding. I think this will be fun to reread.
Kindness Goes Unpunished. Craig Johnson.*
This is the third book in the Walt Longmire mystery series and I like it because it has very wide margins and nearly double-spaced lines with font that's not quite large enough for visually impaired eyeballs, but large enough to enjoy as you're falling asleep. Interesting characters. Poetic descriptions that don't get too flowery. A dog.
Another Man's Moccasins. Craig Johnson.*
This is the fourth book in the Walt Longmire mystery series and I didn't like it as much as the others. There were flashbacks and the flashbacks didn't quite ring true (to Vietnam. Spare me.) and very little annoys me in books or movies or television series as flashbacks. I don't know when this started to irritate me so much, but my tolerance for flashbacks has gotten ridiculously low this year.
Homeward Bound: Why More Women are Embracing the New Domesticity. Emily Matcher.*
This was incredibly fascinating, and left me with even more questions. Toward the end, I started flinging around Post-It notes. I need to return this book to the library on Saturday (it's still a fourteen-day checkout, so I don't think I can renew it), so I'm going to try to at least type out the quotes and points I found most interesting because at some point in the near future I'm going to hammer out a bunch of thoughts and opinions and feelings about this book and this shift that's happening. Or at least these stories about this shift that I keep seeing everywhere. And how it's not always that positive. As a fairly DIY, crafty, bloggy person, I surprised at how I was really into some of Matcher's criticisms of domesticity as this super feminine, super wonderful thing. Oh look, here's a paragraph already.
As always, library books are marked with asterisks.
Currently reading:
Dark Horse. Craig Johnson.* More flashbacks. But just to a period of time a few weeks before the 'main' story takes place. Still. For Pete's sakes.
Broke is Beautiful: Living and Loving the Cash-Strapped Life. Laura Lee. I'm a whole two pages in, so we'll see.